"Living Free Ministries is such an important partner for the
Home of Grace and other like ministries. Tommy Wilson
and his team are filling a critical gap for addiction recovery
programs in both intervention and long term accountability.
Please consider investing in the lives of men and women
through Living Free! You will be making a kingdom impact
with dividends far beyond your imagination."
Josh Barton, Executive Director
Home of Grace

"When I first heard about Living free Ministries, I was living in a dark world. When I reconnected with Bro. Tommy Wilson while in prison he invited me to a Saturday meeting once I was released from incarceration. I have continued to be affiliated with Living Free Ministries and it has helped me on my spiritual journey. It has helped me get back into coaching college baseball. It also helped me reconnect with Christ.”
Stan Stubbs
College Baseball Coach
“God has used Tommy and Marea Wilson to build one of the finest and most effective examples of Living Free allied community ministry anywhere. They are recognized as representatives in the international Living Free ministry alliance as they coach regional leaders to launch Living Free community-based ministries that help persons struggling with life’s problems find freedom in Christ.”
Dan Strickland
President of Living Free in Chattanooga, TN

I can’t begin to express how much our Living Free support group has blessed Dennis Church! We started it with just people in our church attending but today I am proud to say we have over 18 attending regularly! We have seen people get saved in this group and some have overcome their addictions. There is nothing I look forward to more than our Sunday night support group. It is a second family for all of us to share struggles and support each other through them. Funny thing is when it started this pastor did not know how much he needed it! If your looking for group we meet every Sunday night at 6 and provide meal. Come join us!
Nathon Hodum
Pastor of Dennis Church
“When we looked at our community, we saw Satan’s work of ‘steal, kill, and destroy’ everywhere. How helpless we felt to move folks out of such misery and into an abundant life in Christ. We invited Tommy Wilson and Living Free to come to County Line Baptist and do a weekly addiction recovery program. It worked! Our church is wholeheartedly behind Living Free. We have something solid, Christian, and biblical to offer our ‘messed up’ friends and family.
The 12 Step program is common. But finding testimonies of change, acceptance of any problem, and grace to lift you is mighty scarce. Living Free takes you like you are, but pulls you to what God made you to be. We relish what our God does here through Living Free.
We keep growing Living Free in attendance. Word of mouth advertising keeps pushing out our Living Free message. Lost folks in addictions know they can’t “get out of it” alone. When we offer them unconditional love with Living Free, God moves. People change. With Christ’s power, even the most troubled soul can enjoy ‘Living Free’.”

David Shepherd
County Line Baptist Church

“We, at East Booneville, are so thankful for the Living Free Ministry. We have a Living Free meeting at East Booneville on Wednesday evening at 6:00 p.m. We have had the privilege to see people grasp the reality of hope through a relationship with the Lord Jesus. We have watched people be set free from addiction and truly start a new way of life. Attendees of the meetings are greeted, welcomed and loved. It is such an honor to be a part of such an awesome ministry that is changing lives.”
Steve Howell
Pastor of East Booneville Baptist Church